The denial of equal protection under the law for transgendered and Gender-Non Conforming individuals is unjust, and unamerican. However, the conversations regarding expanding rights toward groups that have been left out is a very American one. Our counties history is filled with great moments, where through great struggle we expanded rights to groups who deserve it because they are American, and further more they are human.
Currently, only 21 States ban employment discrimination based on Gender Identity. This is unacceptable, we must demand of a the end of discrimination based on gender idenity nation wide. Not gaureenting equal protections that their cisgendered counterpars are under the law blatanly unconstitutional and just plain wrong. All states have the obligation to protect the rights of it's minoties. As a New Yorker, I am not pleased that our state has yet to pass such protections for Transgendered Individuals. I am shocked that there is not a greater outcry to pass the Genda Expression Non-Discrimination Act. We must live up to our reputation as being the state that leads on expanding rights, not follows. As an American I DEMAND FEDERAL PROTECTIONS FOR TRANSGENDERED and gender non-cnforming individuals. It's appaling that we will allow politics or popular opinion to trump civil rights. This is unnacceptable and we must make it right now by passing a Federal Gender Non-Discrimination Act. Transgendered individuals have the right to these protections regardless of where they live.