Showing posts with label Climate Change. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Climate Change. Show all posts

Sunday, January 13, 2013

The Reality of Global Warming

Wake up folks! GlobalWarming is a reality! Last year was the warmest, and second most extreme year for whether in history. 

-2012 was the 9TH CONSECUTIVE YEAR we broke the warmest temperature record. 

-65.5 percent of the contiguous U.S experienced a drought in Sept. 

-13.88 the number of feet of storm surge from Post-tropical storm Sandy measured at The Battery in New York City Harbor.

We must act soon to save our environment


Saturday, January 12, 2013

Common Sense Solution to Handle Climate Change

A tax on fossil fuels is one common sense solution to help states get back at least a fraction of the billions of dollars spent on storms resulting from Climate Change. While we work invest in clean alternatives we must also make up for the billions of dollars in recovery by passing a Pigovian tax on such fuels.