Tuesday, June 18, 2013

What condition will Earth be in for future generations?

It angers me that folks are willing to put profit before the wellbeing of their own environment and the environment their children and children's children must inhabit. We must not play Politics with the future of our planet. The facts do n...ot lie. It's time to get read about the danger fossil fuels pose to our home!

In an article for Thinkprogress.org Joe Romm cites multiple studies that illustrate the peril our planet is in and the threat it poses to future generations.

"The website RealClimate... points out that the amount of dangerous carbon dioxide we spew into the air each day from burning fossil fuels and deforestation is roughly equivalent to 'five thousand spills like in the Gulf of Mexico, all going at once … every day for decades and centuries on end."

Our crops are withering, our shores are being hammered by historic storms. It is not impossible to argue that climate change is not a reality. The question is: What are we going to do to stop it?"

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